Management of Adult Covid Patients

The Science and Education Committee of PCCS is organising a webinar on the management of adult patients on PICU, on 21/01/21 at 13:00.
Attendance at this webinar for PCCS members alone.

1. 13:00- 13:30 Management of adult COVID patients – Phil Hopkins- Consultant Intensivist – King’s College Hospital, London (20 mins talk plus 10 mins of discussion)

2. 13:30-13:50 – Differences in the management of critically ill paediatric and adult patients – Ruchi Sinha (PICU Consultant at St Mary’s Hospital, London) and Jo Perkins (PICU Consultant at Evelina London Children’s Hospital)

3. 13:50-14:05 – Staff Well-being during the pandemic – Peter Donnelly (PICU Consultant, Glasgow)

4. 14:05-14:15 Discussion

Event Information

}  January 21, 2021
  Thursday, 13:00 to 14:15
n  PCCS-organised

Event Organizer