Trust Fellow in Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care & Mechanical Support

The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

The closing date is 05 June 2022

Job summary

These posts provide unparalleled training in all aspects of Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care including cardiac transplantation, ECMO, heart failure and mechanical support. The post holder will receive training equivalent to those trainees who are in posts recognised by Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine Intercollegiate Specialty Advisory Committee (PICM ISAC; previously ICTPICM) and the Royal College for Paediatrics and Child Health. Applicants who require approval by PICM ISAC are advised to seek prospective approval for the post.


Latest Tweets from PCCS

Individual workshop places for #PCCS2023 open on September 1st! With workshops on ECLS, NIV, POCUS (CACTUS), End of Life Care and Organ donation there is something to inspire the whole #PedsICU team. Register at @PICU_Scot @PCCU_Edinburgh @Scot_STAR