PCCS Unit Champions

The PCCS ‘unit champion’ scheme aims to encourage stronger links and
facilitate communication between PCCS council and its members across all
PICU’s in the UK.

It is envisaged that each PICU will nominate a ‘unit champion/s’ who might
come from a medical, nursing or allied health professional background.

PCCS Unit champion role

Latest Tweets from PCCS

Individual workshop places for #PCCS2023 open on September 1st! With workshops on ECLS, NIV, POCUS (CACTUS), End of Life Care and Organ donation there is something to inspire the whole #PedsICU team. Register at pccs2023.scot/registration @PICU_Scot @PCCU_Edinburgh @Scot_STAR pic.twitter.com/TmOQNCDGBQ