UPDATED PICS guidance on covid-19 (14 Mar 2020)

In a rapidly evolving situation, the case definition for covid-19 has changed (PHE), the UK has moved from the containment phase to the delay phase, and PICS have been in discussions with the Intensive Care Society (ICS) regarding how we can support adult critical care. There is now UPDATED guidance (dated 14 March 2020) for the management of critically ill children.

UPDATED Covid-19 guidance from PICS

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Individual workshop places for #PCCS2023 open on September 1st! With workshops on ECLS, NIV, POCUS (CACTUS), End of Life Care and Organ donation there is something to inspire the whole #PedsICU team. Register at pccs2023.scot/registration @PICU_Scot @PCCU_Edinburgh @Scot_STAR pic.twitter.com/TmOQNCDGBQ