PCCS supports CoLAB: Partnership through Paediatric Complexity

CoLAB aims to bring together individuals and organisations to share good practice and develop new approaches to a) the care of children with medical complexity, and b) the support of clinical staff involved in their care.

CoLAB is hosting a conference ‘Through the Complexity Maze’ on Friday January 31st in Birmingham.

Further information about their conference and also how to become involved in CoLAB can be found on their website CoLAB

Latest Tweets from PCCS

Individual workshop places for #PCCS2023 open on September 1st! With workshops on ECLS, NIV, POCUS (CACTUS), End of Life Care and Organ donation there is something to inspire the whole #PedsICU team. Register at pccs2023.scot/registration @PICU_Scot @PCCU_Edinburgh @Scot_STAR pic.twitter.com/TmOQNCDGBQ