The promotion of study and research into critical care of infants and children, and the publication of the useful results of such study and research, are key objects specified in the PCCS Constitution. PCCS fulfils this object mainly through the PICS Study Group, a multidisciplinary association of PCCS members interested and involved in research in the UK. PCCS and PICS-SG also have very close links with PICANet (Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network), the national audit of paediatric intensive care.
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Individual workshop places for #PCCS2023 open on September 1st! With workshops on ECLS, NIV, POCUS (CACTUS), End of Life Care and Organ donation there is something to inspire the whole #PedsICU team. Register at @PICU_Scot @PCCU_Edinburgh @Scot_STAR
⏰Early bird registration for #PCCS2023 closes at midnight tonight Don’t miss out on reduced rates for our fabulous annual conference. The perfect opportunity to communicate and connect #PedsICU @PICU_Scot @PCCS_Edinburgh @Scot_STAR
Congratulations 🎉 to all successful #PCCS2023 abstract submissions! Double check your spam folder if you haven’t heard back from us and remember to register on the conference website Early bird registration closes on 16th August #PedsICU
HOCUS POCUS! Learn the magic of ultrasound with hands on experience in the home of Harry Potter 🪄 CACTUS Comes to Conference. #PCCS2023 #PedsICU @POCUS_CACTUS @PICU_Scot @PCCS_Edinburgh
Holding your breath when starting NIV? Well breathe easy after the NIV masterclass at #PCCS2023 4th-6th October 2023 Register now for the pre-conference workshops 👇 #PedsICU @PICU_Scot @PCCU_Edinburgh @Scot_STAR