
Click here to apply for PCCS Membership via our online membership portal.

Anyone actively involved in paediatric critical care or engaged in work contributing to the field of paediatric critical care may be accepted as a member.

Membership Benefits

  • Paediatric critical care is a small speciality with its own unique challenges.  Our strength lies in our close working relationships and multi-professional ethos. PCCS is only as strong as its membership and seeks transparently to represent all colleagues working in Paediatric critical care to meet the following core aims:

    • Setting national standards for high-quality care

    • Training & education

    • Promoting collaborative research

    • Representing paediatric critical care in healthcare policy development

    • Supporting the wellbeing of paediatric critical care professionals

  • PCCS members are encouraged to get involved in our sub-groups, please see the details of current groups under the menu item Our Work > Special Interest Groups.

  • PCCS organises and subsidises PICM trainee master classes (currently two single days, one two day meeting, and some virtual meetings), and subsidises the cost of conference registration fees for members. PCCS also offers funded research opportunities through the PICS-Study Group.

  • Including subsidised conference registration fees; one free PCC nursing study day per year; free access to trainee study day (four per year); supporting Quality Control for PCC Nurse specialist course; candidate access through provider centres to enable completion of PCC specialist courses in England and Wales; keeping up to date with current paediatric critical care issues across the UK; having a voice in issues concerning critically ill children; reduced cost journal access; and free access to join our PCCS subgroups and speciality interest groups.

  • This provides a platform for advertising and seeking information on consultant positions, and other lead nursing and allied health professional jobs. The PCCS website also provides information on teaching programs, courses, webinars, national programs, PCCS standards, and our Council minutes.

  • The PCCS scientific committee and PICS study group provides tremendous opportunities for all PCCS members (medical, nursing, AHP) to get involved in research. The Science & Education Committee awards grants up to £2000 with two calls for applications each year. The PICS study group supports studies in the start up phase and holds an annual meeting in which all ideas can be talked through in a friendly environment. PCCS members are entitled to a discounted registration fee at the Annual PCCS scientific meeting.

  • The PCCS scientific committee and PICS study group provides tremendous opportunities for all PCCS members (medical, nursing, AHP) to get involved in research. The Science & Education Committee awards grants up to £2000 with two calls for applications each year. The PICS study group supports studies in the start up phase and holds an annual meeting in which all ideas can be talked through in a friendly environment. PCCS members are entitled to a discounted registration fee at the Annual PCCS scientific meeting.

  • PCCS membership fees are lower than many equivalent specialist societies, and the tax relief on subscriptions has the following effect: Nurse/AHP rate £45 becomes £36 after tax (70p per week); Trainees rate £70 becomes £42 after tax (80p per week) effect; Consultant rate £100 becomes £60 after tax (£1.20 per week …less than your daily coffee!).

  • PCCS membership enables insurance cover for all transport/retrieval activities (up to £1 million).

Membership Rates

Members pay an annual subscription set by the Council. Payment can be made by Direct Debit or Card – paying by Direct Debit saves the society money and time and we would ask that all members sign up to this if they can.


Details of current subscription rates are:

Consultant - £110

Trainee - £77

Nurses/AHP - £49

Retired Members - £44


Membership Rights

Members may participate in the business and scientific sessions of the meetings and have voting rights.


How to apply

Click here to apply for PCCS Membership via our online membership portal.