The PCCS Study Group is a multi-disciplinary group of PCCS members interested in, and leading, research in paediatric critical care. It is the research arm of the Paediatric Critical Care Society.
Any PCCS member (or honorary member) is welcome to join the Study Group and contribute or attend meetings. Please email if you wish to join.
Terms of Reference
PICS-SG aims to facilitate research into critical illness in children by:
acting as a forum for paediatric critical care staff to present outline plans for research projects/trials for informal peer review and supportive comment
encouraging and facilitating collaboration between group members with common research interests
considering the feasibility of proposals for collaborative interventional trials
mentorship and training of future generation of critical care researchers.
How Does it Work?
The PCCS SG is led by the Chair and the Deputy Chair, and assisted by a network of research-active or interested staff. The PCCS-SG Chair (email is available as a point of contact for researchers (national or international) seeking collaborations amongst UK and Ireland PCCS members and Units.
There are two PCCS-SG meetings every year – the Spring meeting (usually in May) is the bigger event and provides an opportunity to hear about ongoing studies/trials, planned research and new ideas for collaborative studies/trials. The Autumn meeting (usually in October) coincides with the PCCS Annual Scientific Meeting.
The latest meeting dates are available from the Events Calendar