Nurse/AHP Critical Care Specialist Education
Standard Operation Procedure for Quality Assurance of Post-Registration Specialist Education in Paediatric Critical Care Units
The Paediatric Critical Care nursing workforce requires specialist post-registration education to enable delivery of safe, quality care. Historically, education programmes have been quality-assured by Higher Education Institutes (HEIs). In the current financial climate, this Quality Assurance process is becoming unaffordable. The challenge for Paediatric Critical Care Educators is to deliver robust, standardised, quality-assured education for all nurses, from registered new starters to experienced staff, cost-effectively. The Paediatric Intensive Care Society – Educators Group (PICS-E) have developed standards for orientation programmes for nurses, and for Level 3 Paediatric Critical Care Unit specialist education programmes. The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (2014), have published guidance for care in level 2 Paediatric Critical Care unit, with an associated Skills Passport. From 2017, PIC Institution programme leaders are able to apply for course validation for Level 3 critical specialist courses from the Paediatric Intensive Care Society (PICS). Education programmes validated by PICS are quality assured by members of the PICS-E Quality Assurers Group (PICSEQA), ensuring that the highest standards of education are delivered cost-effectively.
Full information and checklist can be found here. (Word doc)
Standards for Education in Paediatric Critical Care Specialist Nursing
These Standards are additional to Care of Critically Ill Children (Paediatric Intensive Care Society, 2015) and relate directly to the recommendations for nationally consistent Level 3 Paediatric Critical Care Unit (PCCU) specialist nurse education (Paediatric Intensive Care Society UK – Nurse Educators Subgroup (PICS-E), 2015). This is the third iteration of this work.
When used for self-assessment or peer review, the Standards in this section should be reviewed for each area that is separately managed or staffed.
The learning environment and culture meets the learner’s needs and ensures they have an excellent experience. Multi-professional education should be encouraged.
Full information and standards can be found here. (Word doc)
Full information and standards for level 1-2 Nurse Critical Care Education can be found here. (Word doc)
Application Forms
The following application forms need to be completed in order for the course to be considered for approval:
Paediatric Critical Care Specialist Qualification Module Template (Word doc)
Equality Impact Assessment Form (Word doc)
Once approved, the following forms need to be completed in order to run the course:
Learner Application and Learning Contract (Word doc)
Peer Observation of Teaching (Word doc)
PIC Course Module Report Form (Word doc)
Peer Review
If you wish to join a peer review EQA group, please complete this form. (Word doc)
Example of Costings
An example of costings can be found here. (Excel doc)